Psychometric Assessment

Psychometric assessment is used to measure various aspects of psychological functioning, including cognitive abilities, academic ability, behavioural responses, emotional wellbeing, and overall functioning, These assessment tools are standardised, meaning that the results provide a snapshot of an individual’s performance compared to the general population.

Through psychometric assessment, psychologists gain insight into an individual’s areas of strengths and areas that may require further support. Based on these results, psychologists are able to make recommendations to support the individual. Recommendations may include school or workplace accommodations, strategies for the home environment, or further treatment with a medical practitioner, psychologist, or other allied health practitioner.

Psychometric assessment may result in a specific diagnosis. However, this is not always the case or the goal of assessment. Fundamentally, the goal of assessment is to formulate hypotheses, test those hypotheses, reach a conclusion, and then provide a recommendations on how the person being assessed can be supported.

Assessment at The Mind Hub

Contact Us

Contact us via phone or email to provide background and details of the assessment you are seeking. We will then allocate a clinician based on the area of expertise required and schedule an initial appointment.

Initial Meeting

At this appointment your clinician will obtain details of the presenting concerns, background, and developmental history. Based on this information, the clinician will make a decision as to whether formal assessment is required, and if so, provide an outline of the assessment process.

Formal Assessment

Formal Assessment includes at least one in person appointment where assessment instruments will be administered. Assessment may also require involve parents, partners, and/or teachers to provide collateral information.

Feedback and Report

Following assessment, your clinician will schedule a 1 hour feedback session to provide information about the results, conclusions and recommendations. Following this appointment you will be provided a comprehensive written report.

Our Assessments

At the Mind Hub, our assessments are tailored to the individual. We are committed to administering only those assessments which are necessary and are of benefit to our clients.

Your first appointment is an initial assessment, during which your practitioner will obtain information about your concerns and a relevant background. Following this interview, the practitioner will advise on whether assessment is required, and if so the recommended assessments and measures.

We have a list of common assessments that  we undertake. Click to expand to find the assessment instruments and measures we use. The information should be used as a guide as your practitioner may choose to add or remove certain components depending on the full clinical picture. For a list of fees, please see the fees section on this website.

    • Initial Interview with parents/individual (depending on age)

    • Cognitive Assessment (WPPSI, WISC-V, or WAIS-IV depending on age)

    • Feedback session with report provided immediately after

    • Initial Interview

    • Cognitive Assessment (WISC-V or WAIS-IV depending on age)

    • Educational Achievement Assessment (typically WIAT-III)

    • Feedback session with report provided immediately after

    • Initial Interview

    • Behavioural observation (ADOS-2)

    • Formal developmental interview (ADI-R)

    • Measure of adaptive functioning completed by parents and teacher (ABAS-3)

    • Feedback session with report provided immediately after

    • Initial Interview

    • Formal Evaluation (MIGDAS-2)

    • Measure of autism related traits (Autism Spectrum Quotient)

    • Measure of masking (CAT-Q)

    • Measure of functioning completed by individual and significant other (ABAS-3)

    • Feedback session with report provided immediately after

    • Initial Interview with parents/individual (depending on age)

    • Cognitive Assessment (WPPSI, WISC-V, or WAIS-IV d2epending on age)

    • Task based test of attention (Conners dontinuous performance test)

    • Behavioural assessment completed by parents and teacher (Conners 4)

    • Feedback session with report provided immediately after

  • Item description